Monday, 6 July 2009

Greetings avid blog readers. Two weeks have passed and we're back in Kumasi once again to pick up our renewed visas and update this page.

The highlight of the fortnight came this Saturday when we brought all the boys from the house for a day out at a swimming pool here in Kumasi. Everyone was so excited! The boys put on their bestest clothes and we set off straight after breakfast so as to get a full day out. The pool was at a swanky hotel but luckily it was very quiet so we had it all to ourselves, which meant we could do all the shouting, splashing and bombing we wanted. At the beginning of the day some of the boys were less confident with swimming so they stayed mainly in the shallow end, but by the end they had all perfected the flailing limb stroke and were roaming all over.

After hours at the pool we headed to another hotel closer to the station which has a good restaurant. The boys all had egg fried rice and CHICKEN! Meat is a no no in the Namaskar house, but none of the boys are vegetarian so they take any opportunity to eat as much meat as possible, even the bones were demolished. Holly and I had pizza which was an equally significant treat for us. Then to top it all off we got ice cream on the tro-tro home - days don't come much better than that.

Since the last entry school has been ticking along nicely. There was another holiday out of the blue on Wednesday of last week, but we've got used to these days off springing up every now and then so it was less of a surprise. What was a bit of a shock was the realisation that we only have two weeks of teaching left! The last two weeks of term will be devoted to revision and then the end of year exams, so it feels as if we're starting to wind down just as we've got going. There won't now be much chance for me to introduce new topics and programs in the remaining classes, but still, I feel we've already been able to give all the classes a good grounding in computer use.

Just a brief entry from me this time, but I'm sure Holly "touch-type" Thomas will be able to give a fuller account. Hope everyone at home is well, and enjoying the summer time!

Love Jack

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